Top Trending Hidden Features of Lightroom in [2025]

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Top Hidden Features of Lightroom in 2025

Hidden features of Lightroom

The hidden features of Lightroom are the golden and unique features that enable users to make the best use of Adobe Lightroom more fantastically. These are the quick tips and tricks while editing any type of project on Lightroom. You must make use of these wonderful features. These features add easier ways to put out some wonderful user tricks. In this way, these features play a key role in developing more advanced users experience. 

Adobe Lightroom is marked as one of the fantastic photo editing applications from Adobe. It brings several wonderful features which are presented to us free of any cost. Some other features are premium-locked. You have to pay for those premium tools and features. It brings Lightroom buy and Lightroom subscription plan. 

In this article, we will discuss about top 10 hidden features of Adobe Lightroom. These features can boost your experience to make some handsome and wonderful features. These features can boost your method of editing photos and images with Adobe Lightroom. So, read this article carefully to make better use of these top 10 hidden features.

Hidden Features of Lightroom

Here are the top trending and common features of Lightroom;

Hidden features of Lightroom

Keywords Set

The key role-playing Lightroom hidden feature that can not be neglected. Keyword set is the process of tagging several features and tools in the form of a bound to create more easy ways for users. These keywords can be used to tag any feature or tool so that the viewer can easily understand the script behind an edited photo. Although this feature is not accepted by several users it can be beneficial sometimes.

Hidden Features of Lightroom

Sync Settings

Another wonderful feature in this list of top hidden features of Lightroom. Synchronizing features can be a great option to be applied to several numbers of images. If you select several images in Lightroom for editing then this option is beneficial for you. Particularly putting the match and same settings across several photos, synchronizing is the most suitable option to operate.

Hidden Features of Lightroom

Auto Mask Tool

This tool is essential to consider while editing any type of photo. There are several suitable adjustments. In this way, it is used to make some wonderful precise, and remarkable editings. This feature uses automatic powerful photo and video editing brushes and adjustments to make things more better and reliable. This tool puts some wonderful editings which bring several amazing filters and effects to put out perfect results to your images. It also uses wonderful unlimited amazing filters and effects. Use this feature to make your photos more memorable.

Hidden features of Lightroom

Adjustments Tools

One of the most important and necessary tools out of the hidden features of Lightroom that is very beneficial for every photographer. It puts several types of outstanding tools that can provide remarkable results to your photos. You just need to drag and scratch your images and use these tools to make your images more attractive. To make use of these tools there is a TONE CURVE in development mentioned as HSL/COLOR. This wonderful feature enables you to make just drag any part of your image. You can make use of it to create a drag portion and put your favorite editings there.

Hidden Features of Lightroom

Virtual Copies

Sometimes users want to duplicate or make a copy of any image within Adobe Lightroom. This process could be sometimes difficult for users to operate. That is why, Adobe has brought this wonderful feature to make it easy for users. You just need to make use of this feature to make a duplicate copy of your images. To make a virtual copy of any image, right-click on the right side of any photo. This will make you enable to create duplicate copies within the exact size of the original one.

Hidden features of Lightroom

Solo Mode

Solo mode is considered one of the great Lightroom hidden features having the quality of making users’ experience more easy and remarkable. This tool can make the work of users so organized and smooth while editing any type of photo. Of course, every user needs this tool so that they can make things more authentic and smooth. So, there is no need to be worried anymore, you can make use of this feature so easily.

Hidden features of Lightroom

Soft Proofing

This soft proofing feature of Adobe Lightroom enables the users to make and view a virtual copy of an image or print before you gonna make a final physical print. This feature can save your time as well as your physical pages. To make use of this tool select “soft proofing” in the developing module.

Hidden features of Lightroom

Before & After View

This wonderful feature enables the users to make comparisons between the before view and after view while making changes in a photo. It means if you have done your job with an image then you want to see the full comparison between this and that original image then this feature is very handful for you. 

Press the backslash key () to enable this feature within Adobe Lightroom. Similarly, you can put key “Y” which can show you the side-by-side comparison between before and after view of an image.

Shortcut Tricks

  • “Ctrl + U” to enable auto adjustments
  • “Ctrl +” and “ctrl -” for zoom out and in
  • “Ctrl +’ “ to make virtual photocopy
  • “Ctrl + Alt + V” to put the same settings as the previous one.
  • Press the “/” toggle to remove spots.
  • Hold Alt over any panel to reset all settings library Module functions like Hit G for grid view and Hit E for LOUPE
  • Signs “[“ and “]” are used to decrease or increase the size of brushes. 
  • Hit “F” for fullscreen
  • Hit “L” for lights off


Some more handy and important hidden features of Adobe Lightroom can boost your experience of editing photos. These are the features that every photographer on Lightroom should make use of and can implement more expressively. In this way, these features can help you to make your journey of editing pictures and getting quality results in this competitive era of photo editing.

Also Read: Role of AI in Lightroom

Frequently Asked Questions

A set of keywords is the tagging process of several features in Lightroom which can boost your editing process more significantly.

Definitely, you can get some amazing results with demandful quality pictures edited with auto mask adjustments.

It depends upon your own choices. If you find these features more easy and handful for you then definitely you should go with these features.

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