Easy Methods & Guidance to Make Lightroom Collages in [2025]
Easy Methods to Make Lightroom Collages

Lightroom is one of the fantastic and perfect photo editors having unlimited classical features. Making Lightroom Collages is one of the most used features. Due to this feature, you can edit amazing pictures that will give specific bonuses to the clients and they will attract you. Lightroom collages helps you to add new features and increase the value of your photography by adopting this process.
If you have no idea about this then you need to learn this. It will increase the value of your photography because Lightroom collages create interactions among the images. The following steps will guide you to make a Lightroom collages. You should follow these steps to complete this task. If you’re a photographer, then this process can better help you to make multiple collages by using Lightroom collages .
Make Collages in Lightroom Classic
1: Selection of Photos
First of all, you should collect all the photos from the gallery which you want to Lightroom collages, then change this collection in the form of a library. But I want to tell you that be careful at the time of selection because if you will do some mistake it will be proved in the form of a bad result. So selection of images is the first and important step to complete this task. You will select only images no need to add some videos because it prefers only a collection of images in Library form.
2: Go to Print Files
After the selection of images, we will go to the next step in which we will press the button of control and press the button of P to print a file. This is a short pattern because without doing this major step we can’t complete our process otherwise this process will be time-consuming.
3: Click on Page Panel
Now quickly click on the page panel in the print module, this is a short timing process you can do this process in a few seconds. This is a short interval time-taking process but an important step. So in this step, we will only go to print mode and just click on the panel page.
Steps to Make Collages in Lightroom CC
How to manage college on mobile?
I have searched a lot about this process of managing Lightroom collages and read different blogs but all in vain. I want to tell you the main reason behind this one. When I tried to make a connection with customer service, they replied that Lightroom mobile is not able to manage collages.
It is not possible and the phone did not have proper features to control this task. But many people are forcing them to manage these features on their mobile phones. They are trying to add all the needed features but there are no proper chances to complete these versions in mobile phones.
Can we manage Lightroom collages on an iPhone?
I will simply answer your question that this is not possible to manage college with a mobile phone or an iPhone. It is only possible on your PC, if you want to complete this task then it becomes necessary to use your personal computer or PC. So there is no need to make collages on mobile phones or iPhones, so without wasting your time you need to use your PC.
How to make a collage on a PC?
First of all, open the collage for picture editing in software like Adobe Photoshop. After entering a software tool we should adjust the size and cropping of images. Use specific tools for the removal of blur and unwanted edges to make a clear photo with an attractive background.
In the process of adjustment, we should be careful about the adjustment of layouts because the adjustment of these features has a high effect on the result. I want to recommend that if you want to make impressive collages then you need to edit all photos separately, I know this process will be time-consuming but will provide a fantastic result.
Software that helps in making collages
All above are the most popular editing software that are mostly used in making collages on your PC. The use of these tools will be time-saving with a good result. So I will recommend you to use this software when you try to make collages on your PC.
Final Thoughts
With a long time of experiments with many clients, I get attractive feedback from them which I also want to share with you. If you want to make your photography more impressive then you should need to make collages. I am grateful to Abode because they introduce a fantastic factor, that not only impresses the clients but even helps the photographer to make a trustworthy and valuable collection of pictures.
Hopefully, after reading this article, you will be able to make collage on your PC because on other devices it is not easy, and I have also shared major keywords with you. By reading these you can get an idea about collages by utilizing Adobe Lightroom.
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